two years ago, Bottega Veneta introduced a personalization service, aptly named Bottega Veneta Initials. Vlad and I were part of the launch of this event in Italy and were able to see how the artisans from the Bottega Veneta atelier thoroughly added the letters to BV’s signature Intrecciato bags. Teď vás Bottega Veneta vyzývá, abyste byli součástí této fantastické příležitosti.
The Bottega Veneta artisans will be at the brand’s new York City flagship store on fifth Avenue later this week, providing customers a view of the personalization service, this time with a focus is on adding hand-stitched crocodile skin initials to select bags. The first rendition of this personalization process involved hand-painting initials, but the stitching takes the luxury of personalization to a new level, something no other brand is doing. The artisans will be on hand for three days, and you are invited to view the craftsmanship come to life in a creative way. The demonstration will take place on Friday and Saturday, April 25 and April 26, from 10:00am – 7:00pm and Sunday, April 27 from 12:00pm – 6:00pm, in the new York City flagship store at 699 fifth Avenue.